Schedule An Appointment

This form is generally used by current customers.  New customers can use this, but we will contact you to make an appointment that will work for both you and Chris Hodgdon’s Computer Service LLC.  All appointments made by this form will have the dates and times adjusted to allow for currently schedules or on-going jobs.  We make no promise or guarantee that your appointment will be as requested, but will work with you for the best options.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Phone Number (required)

    Schedule Date (required)

    Requested Time* (required)



    Your Message

    Please enter security code


    *  If you are a business and one (or more machines) that we will be working on contains data or programs that you will need to be using related to your customers, please schedule your appointment during a time that will allow us to access the machine and if need be remove it from the network to work on.  These times might include lunch hours, weekends or evenings after hours.  We want to prevent as much disruption to your normal business operation as possible.